Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Why This Blog?

As I'm sure you are all (I mean the one or two people reading my blog) wondering why I started a blog, I'm here to tell you why. I'm a "typical" modern-UOYG. I see the problems going on in my community and it pains me. It pains me because there are problems, but it also pains me because either nobody is doing anything about it or because nobody is "allowed" to do anything about it.
Another reason for this blog is just to post snippets from other blogs that I find interesting to give me, and others, a one-stop place for your J-Blogging needs. Perhaps this will be a mix between a personal blog and an "instapundit" type of blog.

Let me know.

1 comment:

The Hedyot said...

Welcome to the club. I've also just recently joined the blogging phenomenon. You might find some of my posts of relevance to the issues you raise. Particularly the issue of trusting gedolim.

Good luck.