Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Slifkin thing just doesn't die.

I, along with many other Brooklyn residents, received this today. What I want to know, if people already know that many of the allegations were proven false, why are they still sending it out? Check the date.
I want to know what those rabbanim whose name is on this will do.
Failure in action, will just confirm what many people already know, that the whole "gadol" thing is dead.


Anonymous said...

How many households recieved this ? Is it common in brooklyn to deliver posters to peoples houses like this ?

Me said...

A couple of people I spoke to received it. It's not that uncommon.

AS said...

A lot of time when you get stuff like this the Rabbis never even heard about it.

Chaim said...

How come these letters always end in the hope something gets burned lol ...

Anonymous said...

Catholics had the Index of Forbidden Books for about four hundred years. Outlawing books is sick and goyishe.